Design of 8 Bit Microcontroller Using Vhdl

16-bit ALU Design in VHDL

Last time, I introduced the N-bit adder design in Verilog, which is a part of a 16-bit ALU design I will present today. The 16-bit ALU is a core combinational component of the processing unit in the coprocessor I introduced in the previous post.

Full VHDL code for 16-bit ALU together with testbench will be presented in this VHDL project.

VHDL code for 16-bit ALU

The instruction set of the 16-bit ALU is as follows:


The addition/ subtraction of the 16-bit ALU is designed and implemented using the Verilog N-bit Adder.

VHDL code for 16-bit ALU:

                    -- FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects                    -- VHDL project: VHDL code for 16-bit ALU                                        -- Top level VHDL code for 16-bit ALU                                        library                    IEEE;                    use                    IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;                    -- 16-bit ALU                                        entity                    ALU                    is                    port                    (    ABUS:                    in                    std_logic_vector(15                    downto                    0);                    -- ABUS data input of the 16-bit ALU                    BBUS:                    in                    std_logic_vector(15                    downto                    0);                    -- BBUS data input of the 16-bit ALU                    ALUctrl:                    in                    std_logic_vector(3                    downto                    0);                    -- ALUctrl control input of the 16-bit ALU                                        ALUOUT:                    out                    std_logic_vector(15                    downto                    0)                    -- 16-bit data output of the 16-bit ALU                                        );                    end                    ALU;                    architecture                    Behavioral                    of                    ALU                    is                    -- N-bit Adder in Verilog                                        component                    N_bit_adder                    is                    generic                    (     N:                    integer                    :=                    32                    );                    port( input1:                    in                    std_logic_vector(N-                    1                    downto                    0);   input2:                    in                    std_logic_vector(N-                    1                    downto                    0);   answer:                    out                    std_logic_vector(N-                    1                    downto                    0)  );                    end                    component                    N_bit_adder;                    signal                    BBUS_not:                    std_logic_vector(16                    -                    1                    downto                    0);                    signal                    tmp_out1:                    std_logic_vector(16                    -                    1                    downto                    0);                    signal                    tmp_out2:                    std_logic_vector(16                    -                    1                    downto                    0);                    signal                    tmp:                    std_logic_vector(16                    -                    1                    downto                    0);                    begin                    -- instantiate Verilog N-bit Adder in VHDL code                                        u1_N_bit_adder:                    N_bit_adder                    generic                    map                    ( N                    =>                    16)                    -- ABUS + BBUS                    port                    map( input1                    =>                    ABUS, input2                    =>                    BBUS,answer                    =>                    tmp_out1 );  u2_N_bit_adder:                    N_bit_adder                    generic                    map                    ( N                    =>                    16)                    -- ABUS + (~BBUS)                    port                    map( input1                    =>                    ABUS, input2                    =>                    BBUS_not,answer                    =>                    tmp_out2 );  u3_N_bit_adder:                    N_bit_adder                    generic                    map                    ( N                    =>                    16)                    -- ABUS + (~BBUS) + 1 = ABUS - BBUS                    port                    map( input1                    =>                    tmp_out2, input2                    =>                    x"0001",answer                    =>                    tmp );  BBUS_not                    <=                    not                    BBUS;                    -- Other instructions of the 16-bit ALU in VHDL                                        process(ALUctrl,ABUS,BBUS,tmp_out1,tmp)                    begin                    case(ALUctrl)                    is                    when                    "0000"                    =>                    ALUOUT                    <=                    tmp_out1;                    -- ADD                    when                    "0001"                    =>                    ALUOUT                    <=                    tmp ;-- SUB                                        when                    "0010"                    =>                    ALUOUT                    <=                    ABUS                    and                    BBUS;                    -- AND                    when                    "0011"                    =>                    ALUOUT                    <=                    ABUS                    or                    BBUS;                    -- OR                    when                    "0100"                    =>                    ALUOUT                    <=                    ABUS                    xor                    BBUS;                    -- XOR                    when                    "0101"                    =>                    ALUOUT                    <=                    not                    ABUS;                    -- NOT                    when                    "0110"                    =>                    ALUOUT                    <=                    ABUS;                    -- MOVE                    when                    others                    =>                    ALUOUT                    <=                    tmp_out1;                    end                    case;                    end                    process;                    end                    Behavioral;                  

Testbench VHDL code for 16-bit ALU:

                      -- FPGA projects, Verilog projects, VHDL projects                      -- VHDL project: VHDL code for 16-bit ALU                                            -- Testbench VHDL code for 16-bit ALU                                            LIBRARY                      ieee;                      USE                      ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;                      use                      IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;                      -- Testbench                                            ENTITY                      tb_ALU                      IS                      END                      tb_ALU;                      ARCHITECTURE                      behavior                      OF                      tb_ALU                      IS                      -- Component Declaration for the 16-bit ALU                      COMPONENT                      ALU                      PORT(          ABUS                      :                      IN                      std_logic_vector(15                      downto                      0);          BBUS                      :                      IN                      std_logic_vector(15                      downto                      0);          ALUctrl                      :                      IN                      std_logic_vector(3                      downto                      0);          ALUOUT                      :                      OUT                      std_logic_vector(15                      downto                      0)         );                      END                      COMPONENT;                      --Inputs                      signal                      ABUS                      :                      std_logic_vector(15                      downto                      0)                      :=                      (others                      =>                      '0');                      signal                      BBUS                      :                      std_logic_vector(15                      downto                      0)                      :=                      (others                      =>                      '0');                      signal                      ALUctrl                      :                      std_logic_vector(3                      downto                      0)                      :=                      (others                      =>                      '0');                      --Outputs                      signal                      ALUOUT                      :                      std_logic_vector(15                      downto                      0);                      BEGIN                      -- Instantiate the 16-bit ALU                                            uut:                      ALU                      PORT                      MAP                      (           ABUS                      =>                      ABUS,           BBUS                      =>                      BBUS,           ALUctrl                      =>                      ALUctrl,           ALUOUT                      =>                      ALUOUT         );    stim_proc:                      process                      begin                      ABUS                      <=                      x"000A";   BBUS                      <=                      x"0002";   ALUctrl                      <=                      x"0";                      -- change ALU Control input                      for                      i                      in                      0                      to                      15                      loop                      ALUctrl                      <=                      ALUctrl                      +                      x"1";                      wait                      for                      100                      ns;                      end                      loop;       ABUS                      <=                      x"00F6";   BBUS                      <=                      x"000A";                      wait;                      end                      process;                      END;                    

Simulation Waveform for 16-bit ALU:

VHDL code for 16-bit ALU

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Design of 8 Bit Microcontroller Using Vhdl


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